Post It Notes

Post It Notes Artwork Requirements

Available Image Area

  • Bleed: Width of Post It Note plus .125″ . Length of Post It Note plus .125″. (Document to be bleed size for bleeds.)
  • Trim: Size ordered
  • Image Area: Trim area minus .0625″ on all sides for both Bleeds and Non Bleeds.


  • Photos should be 300 resolution and line art should be 1200 resolution.
  • 4 color should be CMYK color,
  • BW should be Grayscale
  • Spot color should be vector art

    Post-It Note Bleed Diagram Example

      1. Set up the document to the bleed size.
      2. Set your margin guides so that it will be the live area. All graphics and text that you don’t want to be cut off must be within the margin settings.
      3. Ignore the bleed settings as the document is set to the bleed size.
      4. Finished Pdf should be the document size without any crop marks or excess white space on the outside edges of ad.
      Post It Note: Documents should be 1/8” wider and deeper than ordered with the margins set at .125 on all sides. Ex: Ordered 3” x 3” Post It: Create document size at 3.125” x 3.125” with the margin set to .125” on all 4 sides
